Revamping Nutrika’s Brand Identity and Design

Creative & Branding

How do you build an online presence from scratch? Here’s how we crafted Nutrika’s brand identity and packaging design for their products.

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Nutrika is a local, planted-based food company from Vancouver, Canada. For the last few years, it's been making plant-based foods more accessible and healthier for everyone by offering nutritional products with high protein and healthy fats. It eventually expanded to 13 locations throughout Metro Vancouver.

But there’s one problem—the business needed an online presence as well. And that’s where Nutrika contacted our team at HyperPop to help with their branding.


2 months


Plant-Based eCommerce Brand



01 The Problem

How Do You Reach an Online Audience? 

When we first met Nutrika, the bulk of its sales were coming from wholesale distributors. However, it wanted to expand its business by launching its own eCommerce store to open a direct-to-consumer channel and gain a new audience. As part of this mission, Nutrika needed to update its brand identity and packaging for a holistic online presence. 


Formulating a Foolproof Strategy 

Before anything else, our team must gain an understanding of Nutrika’s business. So, we analyzed the company’s original identity, its strategic trajectory, and what makes it unique from other players in the field. Then, we formulated tailored marketing strategies to give Nutrika the refreshed look it needs. 

1. Interview and Information Gathering 

Through extensive discussions with Nutrika's team, we achieved a comprehensive understanding of the company. We delved into the intricacies of its industry, target demographic, unique selling points, values, and goals, enabling us to form a picture of Nutrika’s current situation and obstacles. We also conducted thorough research of its competitors for a well-rounded perspective. 

2. Strategy Building 

Then, we pitched our idea to refresh Nutrika’s brand identity and packaging to highlight natural ingredients and resonate with its new target audience. After a lot of brainstorming, we created a comprehensive visual brand guide inspired by its existing logo and translated the new identity to its packaging design. We made sure that the new brand identity is cohesive from the online properties to the offline packaging. Plus, based on our competitive analysis, we had the packaging give a sense of nature and trust with a neutral colour scheme and a sense of energy with images of ingredients in motion. Needless to say, Nutrika immediately approved our idea. 

3. Implementation 

With the green light from Nutrika, we put our new plan into action. Our team launched the new designs along with Nutrika’s eCommerce platform. And that’s just the beginning. With HyperPop’s direction, Nutrika went even further with email marketing and blogs to boost its online presence and reach. 

4. Optimization

We consistently provide Nutrika with reports, allowing its leadership to track the effectiveness of their marketing initiatives. These strategies demand ongoing refinement, and we remain vigilant for any further enhancements we can make. Our priority is to guarantee that its new brand identity, packaging design, and marketing campaigns exceed the client's expectations. 

03 The Solution

Building a Solid Online Presence 

By partnering with HyperPop, Nutrika was able to build an online presence, launch an eCommerce store, and expand its business to new territories. We took what Nutrika initially had, refined its brand identity, applied the vision to both online and offline situations, and boosted its marketing efforts with tailored solutions. We witnessed an improvement almost immediately. And we can’t wait to see how far Nutrika’s business can grow in the future. 


Investing in Business Expansion 

Since working with our team, Nutrika’s eCommerce shop has seen more website visitors, and the packaging has elevated its brand identity. Plus, with the new packaging, Nutrika has tapped into the direct buyers that used to be inaccessible to the brand. We look forward to growing and working with Nutrika to support their plant-based mission. 

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